Possible but not recommended. Any impersonation of a user or organisation within these forums is strictly prohibited. ... Clean Acrylic Eggshell Enamel Off of a Brush; ... White spirit adequately thin paint, clean brushes and paint spills, and remove grease from metal parts. Thinning the thick and extremely viscous acrylic paint even out its consistency and makes it quite akin to that of watercolor or even gouache paint. This will not totally prevent the paint from drying inside the nozzle. Acrylic paint is a water-based polymer. Owner of the Airfix Tribute Forum https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/airfixtributeforum/index.php. And to be clear on prime to paint time, it all depends if you need to sand primer for imperfections. Also it depends on how you intend to apply the overcoat. Clean the brush with the appropriate solvent for the type of paint you’ve been using. Clay wash is clay that's heavily diluted, with added pigment to produce it in different colours. When I bought some Martin Senour enamel from NAPA, they told me 2 parts paint to 1 part reducer. Acrylic paint thinners that provide anti-congealing capabilities can be a great option to thin out your acrylic paint. Then, carefully remove the paste. Tamiya Model Color Enamel Paint X-20 Enamel Thinner Net 10ml 80020 with RCECHO Full Version Apps Edition. While every effort is made to contact you before any censorship, we reserve the right to amend or remove any content without explanation. Please remember that after using your airbrush gun with enamel paint, you must clean it properly. I suspect you are using a 'hot' enamel thinner. If you've managed to get some enamel paint on your skin, fabric, or a hard object, then the key is to act fast. For full details please check our. This site uses cookies to provide users with the best experience possible, to find out more about them or how to remove cookies from your browser please view our. Mineral Spirits or White Spirits (depending on where you are from) is probably the best way to thin Enamel Paints. Turpentine is quite aggressive, so I would not recommend using it as a thinner for painting. You also have to take into account the correct type of thinners. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'craftknights_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',123,'0','0'])); A lot of commercial Enamel Paint thinners are Mineral-Spirit-based. In some cases, a razor blade can be an appropriate tool for dried and thick acrylic paint. Turpentine speeds up the drying time of many oil-based paints, so it can come to problems when using Turpentine as a thinner for airbrushing enamel paints. 1) The rustoleum primer/paint sand ok but can I use another method to remove it? Thank you Paul. Lacquer Thinners is not meant to be used with Enamel Paints so there are obviously a lot of drawbacks when it is still used to thin Enamel Paints. I'd recommend having a look at the tutorial by Plasmo if you want to try oil paint washes, you can find it here. New for 2020; New Arrivals; Coming Soon; Pre-Orders; Airfix Bundles; Exclusives; Back In Stock; This Month's Top 10 Bestsellers; NHS Charity Fundraiser I thought an acrylic color is save of enamel thinners. If your painting over dried enamel that was hardened with a paint hardened you will be ok. I have a theory as to why the paint went on. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite ... Acrylic Enamel Slow Dry DR - 61 Acrylic Enamel Paint Reducer 1 - Gallon Can . But most Enamel Paints are a little to thick to be used with an airbrush right away, so they have to be thinned. Use to thin out enamel paint or oil-based lacquers Helps prepare enamels to ensure proper consistency when airbrushing Can also be used to help remove oil and grease Do not use with acrylic or … You need to be sure the enamel paint you use with your airbrush is correctly thinned. What this is, is thin acrylic medium, that can be used in place of thinner. Fast thinner is good at ANY temperature, however I will tell you of a trick us old timers did with enamel many years ago that nobody does any more. Though I fly through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am at 65_000 feet and climbing. Please keep all discussion polite or, at the very least, civil. Acetone can be used for cleaning off enamel paints from brushes and other surfaces but if it is used as a thinner it can come to complications. Yes you can thin enamel paints with lacquer thinner. Grainger's got your back. What Do You Use to Thin Out Enamel Paint? Easy online ordering for the ones who get it done along with 24/7 customer service, free technical support & more. The short answer is, it is possible but absolutely not recommended! Personally I always gloss overcoat base layers before applying washes. My guess is that the acrylic paint, being heavier than the enamel thinner, sank to the bottom. Dried paint does not come off as quickly or easily as fresh or wet paint. I appreciate any comments, tips and help! Acetone works equally well on dried and fresh paint. You can’t clean up oil-based paint with water; it takes paint thinner to remove it from surfaces. Yes but only if the Enamel Paint is water-based. Hi Dan, that is commonly bandied about but sometimes experiences are contrary. Enamel. It will gives your car a bright and shiny finish and acrylic enamel is cheaper than urethane paint. I think the trick with any washing is to not let it set too hard before removing, then remove gently with moistened paper towels or swabs. Tamiya's acrylic thinner (smells like alcohol) will dissolve the acrylic paint. Check here for special coupons and promotions. references & resources TechLib.com: Paint and Adhesive Removal All in all, I‘m glad I asked on this forum. I'm currently using DuPont Centari acrylic enamel and was told by the supplier to use 3 parts paint to 2 parts reducer. Hot paint will expand and shoot evenly out of the gun. Ensure that you follow the instructions on the label of your enamel paint. Don't waste expensive automotive lacquer thinner, the cheap stuff sold at the chain stores is just fine. So I would not recommend it. i wanted to do a pin wash. By removing the excesses, the with enamel thinner damped brush removes the top color as well. Craftknights.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. These instructions will help you determine the amount of thinner that your product needs. This includes using stars (*) or other characters instead of letters. Remove any loose paint and discard of it properly. My guess is that the acrylic paint, being heavier than the enamel thinner, sank to the bottom. This is probably the best choice for thinning Enamel Paints. The Humbrol tutorials are also worth checking out for 'how to' use Humbrol enamel wash. The short answer is, it can be used but it has a lot of drawbacks when used for thinning Enamel Paints. 4.7 out of 5 stars 103. This brief run-down will help you decide what's best for you. Especially not for painting plastics.TurpentinePossible but absolutely not recommended!WaterYes but only if the Enamel Paint is water-based. Thinners are for lacquer-based paints. After reading this article, you will know what kind of thinners can be used with Enamel Paints and which one should not be used or do not result consistent good paint finishes. So thanks again! Dries faster, and I've never had any problem with mixture or crazing or lifting of paint underneath it. Acrylic paint doesn’t have a smooth surface after application. But most regular enamel paints are too thick for airbrushing, so these paints have to be thinned. FREE Shipping. The drawback to using acrylic lacquer for artwork was unless the substrate (the base color) was also in acrylic lacquer, the thinner in the paint would dissolve acrylic and alkyd enamels … And I share my knowledge and my experience on this blog with you so that you can become a maker yourself. It hardens via cross-linking chains of plasticized molecules that become impervious to water as they dry and harden. The exotic stuff mentioned above won't attack the plastic, plus, most of it is enviromentally friendly. ^^^ What Ratch says. > $5.99 $ 5. I use Flory Wash, it's not widely stocked in model shops, but you can get it direct from the Flory web pages. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'craftknights_com-box-4','ezslot_4',119,'0','0'])); Acetone can thin Enamel Paints but it is not recommended to use Acetone as a thinner. Searching for Removes Wet and Dried Latex Acrylic and Enamel Paint Paint Thinners & Paint Removers? But back then never did any weathering. Any un-called for language will be removed and repeated offences will be punished. You have to know, I‘m new to weathering. Although urethane does offer the best finish, is industry standard, easier to apply, dries quicker and provides better coverage, it is more labour intensive than acrylic enamel. I put an matt varnish onto the model but still, the enamel thinner attacks the acrylic paint. Use solvent when soaking your nozzles. Sorry, this product is only available to Club members. Some tips with acrylic's, they make a acrylic airbrush medium. Note that Tamiya is not a real full, water based acrylic. It is often used for painting miniatures and plastic models. Using Mig Ammo paints, working with thinner of the same company. No. Changing the colorants has also been used as a way to decrease VOCs. Treatments used to remove the acrylic could easily remove the paint underneath as well. The paint job still looks great and I heard from others who said as long as the paint went on that it will be OK once any enamel thinner evaporates. However, you can use the alternative materials in the table below as Enamel thinner and Acrylic thinner because these products are more expensive than alternative thinners in the market or are not always available. Never post personal information, such as your address, telephone number or email address. I used Humbrol‘s enamel thinner, mixed with pigments as a wash and tried to wipe off excesses with a brush, damped with the same thinner. $10.99 $ 10. So in order to get a consistently good result, Mineral Spirits are always a better choice. You could end up damaging the surface, that you are trying to paint. Many choose acrylic enamel paint because it is water based. Paint Thinner. So I would just recommend using Mineral-Spirits if you want to achieve a consistent and good quality paint job. Get the best deals on Acrylic Enamel Thinner/Reducer-Fast Car Paints Kits when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Acrylic paints exclusively rely on ‘acrylic polymer emulsion’ which is a binding agent that is highly soluble in water, and thus grants the paint that very property. Hi, I don't think it is a wise idea. Rinse and … Possible but not recommended. No really, they don't. Usually what I do is to apply a coat or two of Acrylic flat varnish to the part, let it/them dry and then apply a wash of enamel black (matt) at a ratio of 1 part paint to 9 parts of thinner (enamel thinner). The best Thinner for Enamel paint is Mineral Spirits. Scrape off the paint gently and avoid putting too much pressure on it. What Do You Thin Tamiya Acrylic With For Airbrushing. The two solvents are not interchangeable. The oil will reject water and it is nearly impossible to mix water with oil. Let it sit for several hours. Use both gloves and a mask when handling thinner, especially if you are allergic to this substance. Pornography, warez or any other illegal transactions may NOT be posted or linked in any shape or form. Discussion of other plastic model kit manufacturers is allowed, however, active promotion or advertising of our competitors is not permitted. Remember to post in the correct sub-forum. 4.7 out of 5 stars 10. You can also use commercial Enamel Paint thinners but they are mostly just specially mixed Mineral Spirits. It can also be reused several times when stored properly. 99. Use thinner to remove paint from brushes. But I would not recommend using it as a thinner!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'craftknights_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',120,'0','0'])); The short answer is, it is possible but absolutely not recommended! Phil Flory does demo videos that you can find on Youtube, for instance, here. If your homemade solution does not work to remove the paint completely, you should apply nail polish remover. Turpentine is best used for cleaning airbrushes or brushes from enamel or other paints. Enamel thinner is relatively hot and always likely to react with acrylic media. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Put a small amount of the paint on a surface, then put a few drops of water on top of the paint and try to mix the paint with the water. If you used oil-based paint, clean the brushes with mineral spirits or turpentine. Action will be taken against posts and/or topics that cause distress beyond a debate or disagreement. It does not change the drying time or the brightness of the color. to use as thinner instead of buying each brands own thinner. As a rule, water-based enamel paint will need water for thinning, and oil-based enamel paint will require mineral spirits. If you want to paint something outdoors it’s best if you use acrylic paint. If you don´t know if your paint is oil-based or not, then you can do a little test. Any serious complaints can be reported via the ‘Report’ button on each post, or by contacting the Forum Administrator directly at forum@hornby.com. Enamel paints have a very smooth, professional finish once they are dry and they are most often used with an airbrush. Please keep in mind that the Airfix Forum is a publicly viewable space and you should never post personal information (including email addresses). No racial, ethnic or gender based insults and other personal discriminations. Here‘s what I did: after a base color (acrylic) I put a layer of hairspray for chipping on it. FREE Shipping. This solvent works very well at removing oil-based paints, enamels and acrylic paint. Crude is a mixture of hydrocarbon chains of various lengths and structures with unique boiling points. Its hard to remove paint from just one area and then successfully paint over it again without at least some sanding. Turpentine and other paint thinners will not work to remove acrylic, and may damage the ceramic surface underneath. The label on the can says 8 parts paint to 2 parts reducer. We heat the paint and shoot it just like that with no hardeners or reducers, just the hot paint. 4.7 out of 5 stars 656. I thought for sure I must be doing something wrong. So what do you use to thin out Enamel Paint? Never use any kind of paint thinner, solvent or petroleum-based solvent to remove latex paint from an enamel surface; it will remove the paint and damage the enamel. The main difference between thinners and reducers is in the paint type that is being applied. If using oil-based enamel paint, use enamel thinners. We reserve the right to remove or censor ANY post at our discretion. Join the chatter with our Social Media channels, Home Thin paint by adding thinner drop by drop, until your consistency has been achieved. All customer service enquiries should be directed to. In contrast, latex paint dries much more quickly, and you can easily clean up any splatters or messes with water. There are several ways to thin out Enamel Paints but you will get the best results by using Mineral Spirits or White Spirites, as they are sometimes also called. My understanding was that enamel thinner (oil based) doesn‘t re-activate acrylic paints (water based). Forum 3. But on most packages, you can simply read the instructions to see if the paint is water or oil-based. Enamel paints usually dries to a hard, glossy finish, It takes around 2-3 hours to dry, with a 24-48 hour curing time. You may not make personal attacks on other users and members of staff. Remove the brush and wipe it off with a junk towel. If it's mineral spirits you'll be fine...lacquer thinner however may soften the acrylic if the concentration is too high. I can´t find any advantages to using Lacquer finish with Enamel Paints. most need to and if you do, get something called guide coat, t will help find low spots. If you want to paint something outdoors it’s best if you use acrylic paint. I'm currently using DuPont Centari acrylic enamel and was told by the supplier to use 3 parts paint to 2 parts reducer. Primarily a place for newcomers to ask questions and seek assistance from like-minded individuals, the Airfix Forum offers users the chance to join an active and friendly community. Use a scrub brush and a paint scraper to scour the surface of the concrete. To my knowledge this is a single stage paint… No posts meant to offend, hurt or cause distress for any other user. Can You Thin Enamel Paint With White Spirit / Mineral Spirit? These instructions will help you determine the amount of thinner that your product needs. Check out a store that sells automotive paint (one type of which is acrylic enamel for those that think acrylic enamel isn't a thing). I've watched some videos using pigments mixed with thinner, but not tried it. Any references to these kind of discriminations will also be removed. Help! It will gives your car a bright and shiny finish and acrylic enamel is cheaper than urethane paint. Everything posted on our Forum is considered user generated content and can be used by Hornby Hobbies Limited at its discretion. You should apply the nail polish remover, let it sit for a few minutes, and then attempt to wipe off the paint. TAMIYA America, Inc Super Large Bottle Acrylic Paint, X-20A Thinner, TAM81040. After mixing it up the filter was going on beautifully but I decided I did not like the color I picked so I went to use a brush lightly dipped in enamel thinner to remove it. The short answer is, not always. You can also use Windex, Easy Off, or my new favorite, Simple Green Concentrate. For example, if the paint is an enamel-based product, do not use a thinner, but rather a reducer. Hi, I am a passionate maker and professional prop maker for the entertainment industry. For news, competitions and offers, sign up for our newsletter, You currently have no items in your basket. Enamel thinner will attack the plastic after a few minutes of the plastic soaking in it. It does not work with Oil-based Enamel Paints!White Spirit / Mineral SpiritYes. You can achieve good results but it can also lead to a lot of problems depending on the kind of alcohol and the paint brand. Can You Thin Enamel Paint With Lacquer Thinner. Using sandpaper on enamel will take a long time and require a lot of elbow grease. Paint thinner and mineral spirits both work well for cleaning oil-based paint, but there are subtle differences, including odor and cost. The label on the can says 8 parts paint to 2 parts reducer. Is my understanding correct, that enamel thinners (oil based) normally don‘t re-activate acrylic paints (water based) paints? Reducers are used for urethane-based paints. Enamel thinner is relatively hot and always likely to react with acrylic media. Just make it hot--- do not boil it. There's nothing else in it, so it's pretty much non-toxic. Can You Thin Enamel Paint With Turpentine? This guide is designed to strike a balance between the main goal of our forums (providing support for newcomers) and keeping the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere for all our users by allowing interesting and thought-provoking discussion. Does anyone perhaps know why my Humbrol enamel thinner attacks the acrylic paint from Mig Ammo? For example, if the paint is an enamel-based product, do not use a thinner, but rather a reducer. Acrylic paint can be cleaned with only water and soap, which makes it easier to clean and more environment-friendly option. Collections. Water will only work for thinning water-based Enamel Paint and not for oil-based Enamel Paints. Enamel paint requires a paint thinner to be cleaned. The Airfix Forum is intended for discussion of plastic scale modelling. Enamel thinner dissolves my acrylic paint, Community updates and behind the scenes details. The best Thinner for Enamel paint is Mineral Spirits. Does anyone know why? Especially not for painting plastics. Intentionally or repeatedly mis-placing topics will be punished. So I would not recommend it. I have experienced Humbrol DecalFix re-activating Tamiya acrylics. Should I use a different brand of thinner? The exotic stuff mentioned above won't attack the plastic, plus, most of it is enviromentally friendly. I mix this 50/50 with distilled water (bonus tip - never thin with drinking water or tap water!) Please create an account or login to reply. PP^^^ What Ratch says. Hot paint will expand and shoot evenly out of the gun. Tamiya’s water based acrylic paint can be thinned with their proprietary X20-A acrylic thinners, iso-propyl alcohol (IPA), distilled water, and I’ve even shown that it can be thinned with regular tap water with outstanding results, but few people seem to realise that it can also be thinned with Tamiya lacquer thinner. Violation of any of these rules and guidelines will result in consequences determined on a case-by-case basis. Over time, these products have improved and are likely only to keep getting better until the difference between then and “old fashioned” oil-based enamel is not apparent at all. But a lot of Enamel paints, that are specially made for painting miniatures, are already quite thin so depending on the kind of Enamel paint, you may not have to thin it down at all. 107 sold. Try to blot or scrape away as much paint as you can before it fully dries. I have a theory as to why the paint went on. To find out about all of the benefits of Club membership click below. Vinyl and acrylic enamels are another way manufacturers are trying to make less toxic enamel paint. Most Enamel Paints are oil-based and water-based enamel paint is not as commonly sold and therefore kind of hard to come by. I use paint thinner to remove paint from my hands all the time. The only problem would come from the thinner used with the enamel. Oil-based paints will not mix with water. Dried paint does not come off as quickly or easily as fresh or wet paint. If it does not work the first time, do not worry. Use a paint scraper or a putty knife to remove the existing paint from the plastic item. Thank You-Jim Enamels are oil based, acrylic water/alcohol based. Similarly, can I use urethane reducer in enamel paint? Please read the following rules and guidelines very carefully. Traditional paint-removing techniques will not work with acrylic paints. Acrylic paint is a fast-drying water-based paint which contains the pigment that is suspended in the emulsion. Soap and water will not remove dried acrylic paint film. Then, when you are finished painting, set your brush inside the jar and move it around. Thinner paint is also better for painting fine details and thicker paint is better for large even surfaces. Enamel thinner will attack the plastic after a few minutes of the plastic soaking in it. Thinning Enamel Paint: With a List of Thinners That Work. It is the best method for thinning Enamel Paint. Was trying to do a filter as suggested to me using oil paint and enamel thinner. We reserve the right to ban any user who violates our guidelines or disrupts our community. Never use any kind of paint thinner, solvent or petroleum-based solvent to remove latex paint from an enamel surface; it will remove the paint and damage the enamel. An acetone nail polish remover will help to loosen the paint over time. While we will try and offer fair warning, this may not always be possible. 48. Some of these drawbacks include a dull or generally very poor finish, it could damage the surface of some plastic items, or it could lead to very fast drying Enamel paint which will, in turn, result in an uneven paint job. Although urethane does offer the best finish, is industry standard, easier to apply, dries quicker and provides better coverage, it is more labour intensive than acrylic enamel. Enamel. Ensure that you follow the instructions on the label of your enamel paint. Sort of thirded, with the note that I don't actually know for sure how "hot" Humbro enamel thinner is. Due to the fact that Enamel paint dries harder, so it’s more resistant to scratches which can be vital when posing a kit. You would be fine if you decided to use paint thinner. In this situation, I reduce the paint to ~20% in Thinner-Liquitex. I watched a lot of youtube videos and in one particular, it looked so easy how that guy removes paint with a thinner damped brush. The simple answer is yes, but only if you thin-out the enamel paint to the correct consistency. Different surfaces too checking out for 'how to ' use Humbrol enamel,... Is thin acrylic medium, that your product needs or scrape away much. Any content without explanation personal attacks on other users and members of staff kit manufacturers allowed... Always a better choice sure how `` hot '' Humbro enamel thinner especially. Tribute Forum https: //www.tapatalk.com/groups/airfixtributeforum/index.php user generated content and can be used in place of thinner the time... Thinning out enamel paints give a smooth surface after application primer for imperfections of this website ( techniques Tips! Good outcome in some cases, a razor blade can be a great option thin! 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