UF Privacy Policy Control of infestations near waterways will prevent long-range spread via water and this should be a priority. Torpedograss is very palatable for cows and goats, and grazing may be integrated in an overall management scheme. Torpedograss produces spikelets that are stalked with white and yellow flowers. The largest infestations can be found in Lake Okeechobee where it displaces close to 7,000 acres of native marsh. Imazapyr (Arsenal, Chopper, Habitat) is also very effective at 0.5 to 1% solution. The Alabama Plant Atlas is a source of data for the distribution of plants within the state as well as taxonomic, conservation, invasive, and wetland information for each species. This aggressive rhizomatous grass thrives in a variety of agricultural and natural settings, and is considered an invasive weed of terrestrial, wetland and aquatic environ- [81223] 54. Torpedograss is a non-native grass. 732–736. The hypolipidemic effect of an ethanolic extract from the roots and rhizomes of Panicum repens L. was investigated in rats suffering from high-cholesterol, diet-induced hyperlipidemia, and the phytochemicals in the extract were analyzed. 2, 87 (1762). Most of the times field is irrigated for preparation and weeds are allowed to … Spreading aggressively from a rhizomatous rootstock, the plant can form extensive, dominant swards[ 266 The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. WSSA list of weeds in North America Nonnative to Florida FISC Category 1 Invasive. Species Overview. Lectotipo (designado por Hitchcock y Chase, 1910): España, Alstroemer s.n. couch panicum, creeping panic, dogtooth grass, panic rampant, quack grass, torpedo grass, wainaku grass. Panicum és un gran gènere de plantes de la família de les poàcies. Photographer: John D. Byrd, Bugwood.org Source: Mississippi State University Description. A single tillage operation may help to enhance herbicidal effectiveness, but disking alone may increase infestation levels through rhizome fragmentation. This page uses Google Analytics It is a widespread weed of a range of crops. Seed does not germinate well under Florida conditions. The weed displaces native vegetation, particularly in or near shallow waters and may impede water flow in ditches and canals. Specified and limited uses may be considered by the IFAS Invasive Plants Working Group. Site Feedback. Panicum repens. Torpedograss has not yet been listed on the Federal or State Noxious Weed List. It easily moves into disturbed and cultivated areas such as ditches and canals. [9] The grass can grow in a variety of habitats, but it does not tolerate cold and it is rarely found above subtropical latitudes or at altitude. [3][5] In other areas, it can be found in turf and orchards. Panicum nyanzense K.Schum.. Panicum pauciflorum Bory ex Nees. Glyphosate has been the most effective herbicide used to control torpedograss. Enhancement of fluazifop-P toxicity to torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) by surfactant and oil-additive. 15, No. 2: 87 (1762). Panicum repens is a perennial grass that frequently forms dense colonies and has long, creeping rhizomes. Panicum repens L., Sp. Torpedograss (Panicum repens) is among the top grasses I get questions on. The plant is grayish-green with thin hairs on the upper surface. Application - … Torpedograss has a panicle-type inflorescence, 3-9 inches long. Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental: Anuales. arenarium (Brot.) Panicum littorale C.Mohr ex Vasey. Torpedograss management costs approximately $2 million a year in flood control systems. Esta cookie se crea cuando un programador usa el método _setCustomVar con una variable personalizada a nivel de visitante. Leaf blades are narrow, up to 10 inches long and approximately 1/4 inch wide. [6] It has been noted to reproduce by seed in Portugal,[9] but does not do so in the United States,[10] and it was described as "incapable of fruiting" in Japan. Panicum repens L., which was not yet reported at national herbariums (National Herbarium, and Biology School of the University of Costa Rica) or in specialized literature of the subject. Panicum repens. Panicum miliaceum is a grain crop with many common names including proso millet, broomcorn millet, common millet, hog millet, Kashfi millet, red millet, and white millet. Mechanical control is only moderately effective for torpedograss control. Introduced into North, Central and South America, . It grows on many barrier islands. Sources suggest that the grass is native to "Africa and/or Asia", "Europe or Australia", "Eurasia", "Australia", "Europe, Asia, and Africa", or other specific regions, including the Mediterranean, Israel, and Argentina. The plant is grayish-green with thin hairs on the upper surface. 4, pp. Continuous tillage will provide good control, but is often impractical in many natural areas. However, it is not one of the more palatable or nutritious grasses. Panicum leiogonum Delile. (5.3 mm) wide with a whitish, waxy covering. It also invades drier habitat, such as coastal pine forests and white sand scrub. Panicum kinshasaense Vanderyst. couch panicum, creeping panic, dogtooth grass, panic rampant, quack grass, torpedo grass, wainaku grass. 17. It grows in or near shallow waters forming monocultures where it can quickly displace native vegetation. Panicum repens may act as an alternative host to rice leafhopper species and plant pathogens such as Ustilago (smut) and Pyricularia species. Compta amb unes 450 espècies natives de les regions tropicals del món, amb unes poques espècies que arriben a … Sources suggest that the grass is native to "Africa and/or Asia",[1] "Europe or Australia",[2] "Eurasia",[3] "Australia",[4] "Europe, Asia, and Africa",[5] or other specific regions, including the Mediterranean, Israel, and Argentina. The denseness of the mats may impede water flow in ditches and canals and restrict recreational use of shoreline areas of lakes and ponds. Torpedograss Synonyms. Panicum repens frequently forms dense floating mats that impede water flow in ditches and canals and restrict recreational use of shoreline areas of lakes and ponds. Hossain, Mohammad Amzad; Kuramochi, Hitoshi; Ishimine, Yukio; Akamine, Hikaru. Panicum repens may act as an alternative host to rice leafhopper species and plant pathogens such as Ustilago (smut) and Pyricularia species. By 1992, torpedograss had taken over 70% of Florida’s public waters. U.S. 2001). Britton, N.L., and A. The grass rarely reproduces by seed. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Panicum … [6], The grass spreads primarily via its rhizome. [3] Dense mats or stands of the grass cause hypoxia in the water. Indeed, it is still recommended for planting along shorelines to stabilize them. is very effective. 47(6): 651-656. Weed Technology: Vol. Panicum miliaceum is a grain crop with many common names including proso millet, broomcorn millet, common millet, hog millet, Kashfi millet, red millet, and white millet. Global description: Tough perennial with elongate runners up to 15-100cm. Weeds such as torpedograss generally invade open or disturbed areas – following a burn, clearing mowing, etc., so these areas are particularly vulnerable to invasion. The leaves are stiff and straight, linear in shape, and flat or folded. [6] Torpedograss management in flood-control systems costs an estimated US$2 million per year. Panicum virgatum(switchgrass) is a crop grass widespread in its native North America (Missaoui et al., 2005), where it is widely planted for forage and conservation, and is a current target of development for a biofuel crop (Saski et al., 2011; Triplett et al., 2012). The weed displaces native vegetation, particularly in or near shallow waters and may impede water flow in ditches and canals. It was also imported by the United States Department of Agriculture to grow as a forage grass for cattle. "[3], This perennial grass spreads via its large, branching rhizomes, which are thick and pointed. Zusammenfassung. [1] In Lake Okeechobee, it has invaded more than 16,000 acres of marsh. Small P. repens fragments can give rise to dense clonal stands through vegetative growth and rhizome fragments buried as deep as 50 cm can send up new shoots (Hossain et al. Problems Caused Torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) is a nonnative riparian, wetland and terrestrial plant native to Eurasia and is considered one of the World’s worst weeds.It is also known as quack grass and bullet grass. Preventive control can be accomplished by preventing the spread and fragmentation of rhizomes. Leaf Synonym(s): Panicum gouinii Family: Poaceae (Grass Family) Duration and Habit: Perennial Grass/Grasslike. Introduction. Foliage. Wechselwirkungen des Säuregrads und des Kalziumgehalts auf die Wirkung von Glyphosat auf Panicum repens L.. Glyphosat wurde in Lösungen mit 0 bis 5 mM Ca, sowohl auf pH=4, 6 oder 8 eingestellt oder nicht, auf Bestände von Panicum repens L. (Torpedogras) ausgebracht. (5.3 mm) wide with a whitish, waxy covering. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Torpedo Grass (Panicum repens) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. There is very little physical management that can be used to control Panicum repens, as disturbance encourages its growth. It is called torpedograss because of its sharply pointed or torpedo-like growing tips. It was deliberately planted throughout South Florida and it easily escaped cultivation,[6] eventually becoming "one of the most serious weeds in Florida," spreading to more than 70% of the waterways in the state. 2001. Plants have long, creeping rhizomes with sharp-pointed (torpedo-like) tips. Introduction: 1920 (agriculture. Panicum repens frequently forms dense floating mats that impede water flow in ditches and canals and restrict recreational use of shoreline areas of lakes and ponds. Pl. Control of torpedograss (Panicum repens) through submersed herbicide [1] In Hawaii, it is a weed of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). Torpedograss produces … Dry or wet conditions may reduce the number of shoots produced by the rhizome, but they do not kill it. The spreading rhizomes sprout repeatedly to form colonies of stems. A synonym of torpedo grass is Panicum gouinii. Appearance. Torpedograss is in the family Poaceae, including grasses such as cogongrass and bermudagrass. 1977). [6][7], This grass grows throughout the world in tropical and subtropical areas. Plants have long, creeping rhizomes with sharp-pointed (torpedo-like) tips. Range Description: Panicum repens is a tufted perennial grass commonly seen in Western Ghats. Panicum repens is a species of grass known by many common names, including torpedograss, creeping panic, panic rampant, couch panicum, wainaku grass, quack grass, dog-tooth grass, and bullet grass. General information about Panicum repens (PANRE) Mediterranean, Western Asia, India, China, Japan, Indochina, Malesia, Africa (thoughout), Australia. Torpedograss Synonyms. Effect of burial depth on emergence of Panicum repens. Control of Torpedograss (Panicum repens) with Trifloxysulfuron-Sodium in Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × Cynodon transvaalensis) Turf - Volume 20 Issue 2 - … 3 vols. It was introduced to the United States in seed for forage grasses and probably in ballast water from ships. Uses Use . Panicum repens and I. cylindrica were found in areas that have soils with a sandy-loam character. Seeds are sometimes observed but they are apparently rarely viable, with many studies describing zero germination. Panicum repens is a species of grass known by many common names, including torpedograss, creeping panic, panic rampant, couch panicum, wainaku grass, quack grass, dog-tooth grass, and bullet grass. Leaf blades are stiff, linear, flat or folded; the surface often with a waxy or whitish coating. Leaf blades are narrow, up to 10 inches long and approximately 1/4 inch wide. Origin: Old World. The name comes from the hard, sharp point on the rhizome that runs horizontally underground, like a torpedo going through the water. Range Description: Panicum repens is a tufted perennial grass commonly seen in Western Ghats. Panicum repens and P. capillare each showed a single sequence type among the clones sequenced. [5] In the Florida turfgrass industry, it is the second-worst weed known. Melinis repens occurs in disturbed areas and is a pioneer species. Torpedograss is a perennial grass that can reach up to 3 ft. (1 m) tall. Panicum repens* L. Sp. Cotyledons: First leaves: General habit: Underground system: Stem: Culms erect, 15-100 cm high, often from a knotty, tuberous base. The inflorescence is a loose panicle of branches bearing small spikelets 2 to 3 mm (0.079 to 0.118 in) long. https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/graminoid/panrep/all.html Hojas con vainas híspidas, con pelos de base tuberculada; lígula de 1-2 mm; limbo de hasta 30 x 0,3-2 cm, plano, estriado, más o menos laxamente peloso, con margen escábrido. General information about Panicum repens (PANRE) Mediterranean, Western Asia, India, China, Japan, Indochina, Malesia, Africa (thoughout), Australia. Torpedograss is most difficult to control when partially submersed in water. In addition, imazapyr has soil activity, so care must be exercised around sensitive species such as oaks (Quercus spp.). Panicum repens. Panicum repens Taxonomy ID: 158137 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid158137) current name The diuretic activity of ethanolic extract of Panicum repens was investigated in rats. Panicum repens : Source: Poaceae update, database (version Sept. 2010) Acquired: 2010 : Notes: Poaceae update for ITIS, in cooperation with NatureServe, and based on the Catalogue of New World Grasses database and other sources : Reference for: Panicum repens : Source: The PLANTS Database, database (version 4.0.4) Acquired: 1996 : Notes: In India, it is widely spreaded in almost all the districts in Andra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura and West Bengal (Cook 1996). (26 cm) long, 0.3 in. Panicum repens is an erect to decumbent, perennial grass with tough stems 30 - 125cm tall. ed. Panicum pauciflorum Bory ex Nees Panicum polyphyllum Peter Panicum polystachion Ucria Panicum repens var. 1913. Share. Panicum repens. The spread of torpedograss is limited to rhizomes either by rhizome expansion or fragmentation. Foliage Leaves are linear, flat or folded, 10 in. 58 (1753). 2004; Toth 2007). Pl. [6] It is present in many places as an introduced species and often a noxious weed. It grows in moist, often sandy soils and its rhizomes often extend several feet out into the water. A 2 to 3% solution of glyphosate (Roundup, etc.) Witch panicgrass is a native annual grass of exposed, disturbed and cultivated sites. 732–736. It grows in or near shallow waters forming monocultures where it can quickly displace native vegetation. Its exact native range is obscure. Introduced into North, Central and South America, . Central, North, South Invasive (No Uses) For Status Assessments: Invasive and not recommended by IFAS. Chandrasena JPNR, 1990. Panicum repens torpedo grass Panicum rigidulum redtop panicgrass Panicum schiffneri Schiffner's panicgrass Panicum schinzii land grass Panicum stapfianum . There are limited agents being studied for biological control of torpedograss, although Dr. Charudattan at the University of Florida has been evaluating a species of fungus. Native to Africa and/or Asia, it was introduced to the United States before 1876, primarily through seed used for forage crops. Be sure to include a non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% (10 mLs or 2 teaspoons per gallon of spray solution). In aquatic systems, the species causes problems by impeding boat access and drainage flow in waterbodies (Smith et Panicum repens Nees, 1829 Panicum repens Thwaites Common names Victoria grass in English Victoria grass in language. Its exact native range is obscure. 1999. Here, the top 30 cm of the soil consisted predominantly of sand. Uses Livestock: It was once used for cattle in the 1920s and is resistant to grazing and trampling; however, better forages are now available that has higher No subordinate taxa. Mowing is only marginally effective. Panicum repens, known as torpedo grass and quack grass among other names, is an invasive intruder that displaces native and existing vegetation. (LINN-80.47).. Por G. Davidse.. Panicum gouinii Fourn.. Perennes rizomatosas. [6], The grass has been widely planted as forage for cattle because it is so hardy, withstanding grazing and trampling, and it can be made into hay. Torpedograss (Panicum repens) is a non-native, perennial grass species that is found throughout much of the southeastern United States. A single oral dose of 500 mg/kg of P. repens extract were given to rats, after 24 h, urine volume, its sodium and potassium concentrations were estimated. 1999, Brecke et al. A synonym of torpedo grass is Panicum gouinii. They grow erect or bend down. Natal Red Top is good for controlling soil erosion and as is an outstanding horticultural subject. Use as green manure. It is a persistent plant that pierces soil with pointed rhizomes that grow a foot (0.3 m.) or more into the earth. Torpedograss is a perennial grass that can reach up to 3 ft. (1 m) tall. It is present in many places as an introduced species and often a no… 15, No. Leaves are linear, flat or folded, 10 in. They can reach a length of 6 m (20 ft) and a soil depth of 7 m (23 ft), and they can form a mat 15 cm (5.9 in) thick. Torpedograss (Panicum repens) Control with Quinclorac in Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × C. transvaalensis) Turf. Panicum arenarium Brot.. Panicum chromatostigma Pilg.. Panicum convolutum P.Beauv. It has been noted to grow 1.3 cm (0.51 in) in length per day. © 2021 University of Florida / IFAS / Center for Aquatic & Invasive Plants Tropical Pest Management, 36(4):336-342. Image by arousa Torpedograss (Panicum repens) is native to Asia and Africa and was introduced to North America as a forage crop. Panicum miliaceum L., Sp. Torpedo grass has no tolerance for cold weather and will die off following a frost thus limiting the possible range to the southern United States. Its exact native range is obscure. It grows in many types of wetland habitat, in and out of the water. The rhizomes are extensive and stems are rigid. Even if introduced into a small area, this weed can rapidly spread to become a major problem. Torpedo grass (Panicum repens) is a grass variety that is considered a noxious weed in some areas. Panicum repens L. Weed type: Grass. Management of Panicum repens involves the repeated application of herbicides. Grasses and probably in ballast water from ships the website also provides access to a database and of! Mats may impede water flow in ditches and canals in disturbed areas and is perennial. Tiny fragment of rhizome is left in an overall management scheme the was! Feet out into the water I get questions on Description: tough perennial elongate... Into disturbed and cultivated areas such as cogongrass and Bermudagrass at 0.25 % ( 10 mLs or 2 teaspoons gallon. [ 6 ], the top grasses I get questions on has a panicle-type inflorescence, 3-9 inches long approximately... Plant pathogens panicum repens uses as oaks ( Quercus spp. ) seeds for food and feed! 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